West Fargo Downtown Placemaking Proposal - Sheyenne St Pedestrian Engagement
The Opportunity
Design site-specific public artworks engaging residents and visitors in The Downtown Yards, the seven-block central business district undergoing transformation in West Fargo, North Dakota.
West Fargo, North Dakota began comprehensive planning in summer 2023 to guide public and private investment in their central business district and nearby neighborhoods, defining a decade of work continuing the transformation of The Downtown Yards into an iconic mixed-use center of activity and economic growth.
One early action is public art activating the cultural center of the City. Artistic intervention in this corridor works to create a more welcoming place.
Concept proposal by Studio F Minus
Concept proposal by Studio F Minus
From Studio F Minus’s Successful Proposal
“With the extensive beautification of the streetscape already complete, you could say the garden has been turned over, the seeds of ideas and possibilities have been planted, and now Sheyenne Street is ready to start growing – and everyone, including us, are excited to see what’s to come. Inspired by the potential present in the street and the motivation of the community and the city team to nurture its diverse and healthy growth, Studio F Minus is proposing not one but seven distinct, inclusive and accessible public artworks to cover all nine of the available sites ranging from 1st to 6th Avenues along the business district of Sheyenne Street.
This crop of stylistically, materially, and experientially unique sculptures will be tied together by the main themes of curiosity, surprise, togetherness, and growth that results from a change of environment and/or perspective. While the rhythm, colour pallet, and thematic thread of the proposed artwork will provide a welcoming cohesiveness to the street the diversity of styles, materials and interactions will keep interests peeked and give reason for further exploration and repeat visits.
Site Plan and Location Proposal
From Studio F Minus’s Successful Proposal
Our intention with this body of work is to create a welcoming space that draws the community and other visitors of West Fargo inclusive of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities to the Downtown Yards district, and encourage them to experience the street on foot, both now and as the number and variety of storefronts grows into the future.
We believe this approach will establish the sense of the Downtown Yards being an active destination now and encourage the continued investment by established and new businesses moving into the future.